Cycling Tour 2022
From July 23 to 31, 2022, 10 musicians from the Correspondances ensemble will crisscross Normandy, from Calvados to the Seine Maritime, via the Eure: 8 stages from the Pays de Falaise to the Pays de Bray to meet the public in exceptional heritage sites for 9 musical and festive afternoons or evenings in the heart of the Normandy countryside.
On the program, a discovery of the most beautiful polyphonies for women’s voices and ancient instruments which made the musical splendor of the convents in the 17th century. All the commentators of the time report that when they listened to their songs, the musical angels of heaven appeared before their eyes!
For ten days, the musicians offer a cycling tour open to the public from one concert venue to another: let yourself be taken on the tour alongside the artists on the roads of Normandy through workshops to discover baroque music for all – young and old – visits and discoveries of the historical, artistic and natural heritage, and intimate concerts close to the musicians.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier • Sub tuum praesidium
Guillaume Nivers • Prélude
Hodie Maria Virgo
Guillaume Nivers • Quam pulchra es
Marc-Antoine Charpentier • Ave regina caelorum H.19
Henry Dumont • Allemande
Antoine Boesset • Anna Mater matris
Antoine Boesset • Ave Mater pia
Antoine Boesset • Sancta Maria
Guillaume Nivers • O admirabile commercium
Paolo Lorenzani • O quam suavis est
Henry Dumont • Desidero te millies
Henry Dumont • Ave regina caelorum
Louis Couperin • Fantaisie pour les violes
Guillaume Nivers • Domine salvum
Ego sum panis
Guillaume Nivers • Laudetur
Henry Dumont • O Præcelsum
De Profundis
Nicolas Clérambault • Miserere