
Bike Tour 2020

Itinerant music in the heart of Normandy’s heritage

In the 17th century, music was part of the daily life of the court, which was mainly itinerant before Versailles. Musicians had to adapt to random numbers, sometimes bizarre playing conditions, rudimentary instruments, and all the hazards associated with travel, in order to continue to give rhythm to the life of a community, no matter what happened.

Built in less than three months to respond flexibly to the constraints of the health crisis and to get as close as possible to rural areas, the bicycle tour of the Correspondances ensemble took nine musicians on a six-stop tour of Normandy’s heritage from August 7 to 12, 2020. The program included music awareness workshops, meetings with artisans, musical processions, concerts, picnics and cycling stops with the public, putting music and conviviality back at the heart of the priorities.

From Caen to Domfront-en-Poiraie, passing by Longues-sur-mer or Saint-Lô, many local actors have mobilized around this initiative imagined for and with the inhabitants.

800 spectators including many children followed the six stages of this musical tour of Normandy. Nine concerts, including eight free, were given.

Cultural festival for young and old

Each stage of this tour opened a window on a territory, its heritage, and the music of choice of Correspondances, with a special focus on young people!

Stud farms, rural manors, abbeys, churches: six particularly atypical private and public heritage sites hosted these festive events, creating unexpected links with the music proposed by the Correspondances ensemble.

Prior to each concert, children and families gathered for introductory workshops on baroque music and meetings with local craftsmen and producers.

By choosing a regional circuit with distances between two stages not exceeding 50 km, Correspondances proposed a daring challenge to nine of its musicians: to reach each concert venue by bicycle! On a 250 km circuit through Normandy, the musicians cycled 170 km of back roads.

Tour 2.0

Based on this success, Correspondances has decided to renew the adventure in the fall of 2021, with a new team and a new program covering 300 km between Le Bec-Hellouin and Balleroy, passing through Bernay and Caen.